Steam Rooms Vs Hot Tubs, Jacuzzis, and Whirlpools – Benefits Compared

If you enjoy a good day of relaxation, you’re probably a fan of steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools. But what’s the difference between them? What benefits do they share, and what makes them stand out?

The difference between steam rooms and hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools is the health benefits they each bring. Jacuzzis and whirlpools are better for muscle recovery while steam rooms are the best for weight loss. All four are good for cardiovascular health.

Keep reading for a full comparison of these four great relaxing activities!

Is a steam room better than a hot tub, jacuzzi, or whirlpool?

Steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools are all great for relaxation and have their own specific benefits. But is one better than the others?

A steam room is better than a hot tub, jacuzzi, or whirlpool for weight loss. Other than that, they all have different benefits that they bring to the table.

Some specific characteristics of these options include:

  • Steam rooms get the hottest out of the four. 
  • They’re all great for cardiovascular health and can decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality.
  • Jacuzzis and whirlpools are the best for injuries and sports recovery.
  • Steam rooms are best for weight loss.

Which one you find most relaxing depends on personal preference, and prices vary.

What is the difference between a steam room and a hot tub or jacuzzi?

You may have heard of using steam rooms, hot tubs, and jacuzzis for relaxation, muscle recovery, and more. But what’s the difference between them all?

Steam rooms, hot tubs, and jacuzzis are all incredibly relaxing. Jacuzzis are the best at muscle recovery. Hot tubs can be the cheapest to install at home depending on what option you get. Steam rooms get the hottest out of all three and are best for weight loss.

Let’s dive into the differences between a steam room and a hot tub or jacuzzi.

Steam rooms vs hot tubs vs jacuzzis vs whirlpools

Now we’re going to break everything down by criteria and compare all four options.


How hot does everything get?

Steam rooms reach between 110-120°F. Hot tubs, whirlpools, and jacuzzis are all around 90-104°F.

Higher temperatures result in quicker sweating, equalling more heavy metal detox and water weight loss.

But if heat makes you uncomfortable, you may opt for something a little cooler.

General health

You may be wondering what’s best for your overall health.

Hot tubs, steam rooms, jacuzzis, and whirlpools are all great for general health. They can prevent strokes, heart attacks, and mortality. Hot tubs can improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, they all aid in relaxation which works wonders for general health. 

Hot tubs and steam rooms both may prevent strokes and heart attacks. The warm temperatures lower blood pressure because your blood vessels dilate.

Hot tubs may also reduce mortality and improve insulin sensitivity.

Hot tubs, steam rooms, jacuzzis, and whirlpools are all incredibly relaxing. Too much stress can wreak havoc on a body so stress relief is great for your overall health.

Injury and pain relief

If you’re in search of pain relief, look no further.

Jacuzzis and whirlpools are better for injury and pain relief than hot tubs and steam rooms. Meanwhile, hot tubs are better than steam rooms. 

Hot tubs are better than steam rooms at speeding up how quickly sore muscles heal. Jacuzzis and whirlpools are even better because the jets gently massage your sore muscles to bring relief.

Hot tubs help with inflammation, increase hGH, and reduce lactic acid. Steam rooms do too, but to a lesser extent.

Out of all the saunas, steam rooms are the best for muscle recovery because the wet heat does a good job of penetrating your muscles.

Sports recovery

Lots of people use steam rooms and hot tubs for sports recovery. But which is the best?

Steam rooms, hot tubs, whirlpools, and jacuzzis are all good for sports recovery. All of them increase hGH, which aids in muscle recovery. Whirlpools and jacuzzis also massage your sore muscles because of the water jets.

Steam rooms and hot tubs are both good for sports recovery. They both increase hGH, the human growth hormone, which aids in muscle recovery.

Meanwhile, whirlpools and jacuzzis also massage your muscles to help loosen them up.

Weight loss

Steam rooms and hot tubs are hot! Which helps you lose more water weight?

Steam rooms are better than hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools for weight loss.

Steam rooms make you sweat more than hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools because the temperature is higher. This sweat is great for detoxification and will rid your body of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury!

You will lose water weight by sweating no matter which option you choose. However, the more you sweat, the more water weight you lose.


We all need some relaxation time. 

Steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools are all relaxing. Which one you find the most relaxing is subjective.

Relaxation is a highly individual experience and most would argue that steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools are all incredibly relaxing. 

Steam rooms are great for relaxation and can improve mental health. But there’s nothing quite like jumping into a hot tub, jacuzzi, or whirlpool. Especially at a hotel, they give a much-needed break from busy vacations.


Regardless of how great something may be, it doesn’t help if you can’t afford it.

Steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools all cost the same if you go to a gym to use one. To install them at home, steam rooms cost about $4,500 while above-ground hot tubs can range from $600 to $11,000.

Gym memberships cost an average of about $500 each year. You can usually find steam rooms, hot tubs, jacuzzis, and whirlpools at gyms depending on which gym you go to.

Hotels that have jacuzzis and whirlpools usually cost at least $100 each night.

In terms of in-home installation, it costs about $4,500 to install a custom steam room. Above-ground hot tubs cost anywhere from $600 to $11,000. If you want your hot tub in the ground, you’re looking at upwards of $5,000-$20,000.


How hard is it to find steam rooms, hot tubs, whirlpools, and jacuzzis?

Hot tubs and steam rooms are more available than whirlpools and jacuzzis. The added luxury of jets in whirlpools and jacuzzis makes them more rare.

Whirlpools and jacuzzis are definitely less common than hot tubs and steam rooms. The addition of the jets makes them more difficult to find.

Hot tubs and steam rooms can be found at most spas and gyms, and some high-end hotels and cruises.