Should You Exfoliate Before or After the Sauna? (With Practical Tips)

Facial exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and stimulate underlying tissue. When used effectively, it creates a healthy, vibrant look for the skin and prevents clogging of skin pores. And when combined with a sauna, the effects are nothing short of amazing. But should you exfoliate before or after the sauna?

It is best to exfoliate after a sauna session because it is important to avoid heat after exfoliation. No matter which type of sauna you choose, the heat will open your pores, kill toxins, and allow dirt to be wiped easily away while also eliminating any lingering oils. Using a sauna after exfoliation can cause serious irritation to your skin.

Keep reading to find out more about how the sauna can affect your exfoliated skin, and which type of sauna you should use in conjunction with your exfoliated skin.

Is it better to exfoliate your skin before or after the sauna?

Exfoliation after a sauna session is the proper thing to do and the best way to get the best for yourself. 

Exfoliation after a sauna session helps ensure effective cleansing of the skin from toxins and dead particles. They make the face and body elastic and smooth.

Proper use will do you better than you can imagine.

Is it better to exfoliate before or after steaming?

Steam rooms are great for relaxation, as we all know. But there are ways to maximize it and get more than just relaxation. One of them is proper exfoliation. 

It is better to exfoliate after steaming because a facial exfoliator works best when the skin pores are open. When used in the right way, the exfoliator does its work perfectly by polishing the skin, rejuvenating cells, and making the skin look fresher and smoother.

Is the sauna good for exfoliation?

Whether wet or dry, heat is often beneficial for the skin.

The heat from a sauna opens pores, kills toxins, and allows dirt to be wiped easily. Exfoliation opens pores, increases sweating, eliminates toxins, and stimulates circulation. It also helps eliminate any lingering oils or dirt on the skin even after a sauna session. 

The combination of both in the right manner can be very beneficial to your skin and general health. The sauna helps open the pores and remove toxins from the body before exfoliation, thereby making the work of the exfoliator much easier and smooth. 

The aim is to become healthy and relaxed. The heat helps to remove sweat. Always ensure the exfoliator you are using is gentle and suitable for your skin. It is important the facial exfoliator is gentle to prevent the skin from irritation, which is more prone to happen because the skin pores are open due to the heat from the sauna.

Does a sauna open your pores?

A sauna uses dry heat to open your skin pores. The opening of the pores leads to the escape of bacteria, oil, and dirt. Opening of the pores also leads to sweating which can help reduce the oiliness of the skin and also regulate the pH balance. 

Opening of the skin pores reduces the chances of you getting acne or any other skin diseases because your skin does not produce much sebum.

Sweating also gets rid of toxins on the surface of the skin. The sebum traps bacteria and dirt, which causes acne. Intense sweating helps wash all of them away and keeps your skin healthy and clear. 

What kind of sauna is best for exfoliation?

Infrared saunas are made of special lamps that heat the body and not the room, unlike other sauna types. Through the emission of infrared, the body can be heated up to 140°F. The benefits of an infrared sauna are more than a traditional sauna or steam room.

Infrared sauna therapy addresses various types of skin conditions, from blemishes to acne, pimples, and skin rashes. Due to its amazing properties, there is already collagen production during the infrared sauna session, which helps replace old skin cells with new ones.

This means part of the work of the exfoliator is done before it is even used.

Traditional sauna

Pro: Traditional steam sessions can perform miracles on your skin, cleanse pores, and improve circulation.

Con: The very high temperature in a traditional sauna can penetrate the skin and lead to severe injuries.

Infrared sauna

Pro: The infrared sauna does so much more than the traditional sauna or steam room. It addresses skin conditions, helps in improving the appearance of aged skin, enhances collagen production, and improves the elasticity of the skin.

Con: The infrared sauna may not be suitable for some people. The dry heat that the infrared sauna emits might cause dry skin.

Steam room

Pro: You can recover from the heat much easier and faster when you use a steam room. This gets you prepared faster for exfoliation as you might not require much rest.

Con: The heat from a steam room might not be suitable for people with asthma or health-related conditions.

How do you prepare your skin for the sauna?

Whether you’re using the sauna to relax after a workout session or you want to enjoy some of the health benefits a sauna provides, you should always wash your face first. 

To prepare your skin for a sauna session, you should:

  1. Wash your face – Lightly wash your face with a facial wash or mild soap. Removing sweat or any dirt from your face will ensure you get the best from the sauna. Because you are going to sweat intensely in the sauna, it is best to have a clean skin to prevent pores from backing up. 
  2. Hydrate – Always remember that the moment you step into a sauna, you are aggressively dehydrating your body. Always ensure you drink lots of water before, during, and after your sauna session.

Studies have shown it is not healthy to stay in a sauna for more than 10 minutes at a stretch. There are diminishing returns on body functions and circulation of blood and other nutrients.

You can take breaks in between sessions, hop in a shower and cool off before entering the sauna again. 

What do you put on your skin after a sauna?

After you get out of the sauna, what is the best thing you can do to hydrate and moisturize your skin?

To get the best from a sauna, it is advised to apply exfoliating scrub on the skin after a sauna session. The scrub should be applied gently on the skin in a circular motion for close to 30 seconds. Ensure you do not do this for too long to avoid skin irritation which is very likely to occur because the skin pores are open from the sauna. 

After doing that, splash warm water on your face from a faucet or bowl until your skin feels clean and most of the exfoliating cream is removed. You can now wipe your face with a wet facecloth and then splash with cold water to close the skin pores. 

How do you clean your pores after steaming?

Steaming helps flush out oils and dirt to your skin surface. The heat from steaming makes you sweat intensely and can also help push toxins out from the skin.

To ensure that your pores are clean after steaming, rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry. When your pores are open, they will be sensitive, so it is best not to rub your face with a towel. However, you can make use of a gentle facial cleanser or unscented face wash. 

This is also a great time to apply a facial mask and other skin products like a facial exfoliator. 

Is the steam room good for blackheads?

The heat from a steam room helps to open the skin pores and loosen build-ups of dirt and bacteria to get a deeper cleanse. Opening of the skin pores softens blackheads, hence, making them much easier to be moved. 

Fewer toxins equal fewer clogged pores which means fewer blackheads and other skin diseases. When there are fewer clogged pores, it also leads to smoother skin.