Is the Sauna Good for Keto? (Science-Based Evidence & Practical Advice)

Keto has been a buzz word for the past couple of years. But what exactly is the keto diet, and is the sauna good for keto?

Saunas are good for keto, but you must be careful to go in extra hydrated because keto is an inherently diuretic diet. Both saunas and keto help with weight loss, skin health, and diabetes management. Steam rooms are the best kind of sauna for the keto diet because of their low temperatures and skin health benefits.

Keep reading to learn about how these not-going-anywhere fads work together!

What is the keto diet?

You may have heard the word, but what exactly is the keto diet?

The keto diet is low in carbs and high in fat. It puts your metabolism in a state of ketosis, or where your body burns fat extra efficiently. Lots of keto dieters eat for 8 hours a day and fast for the other 16. Keto can help with weight loss and diabetes management, fight against epilepsy, and improve cognitive outcomes related to Alzheimer’s.

The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is low in carbs and high in fat. It has many health benefits including:

Keto gets its name because the reduction of carbs puts your metabolism in a state known as ketosis. When in ketosis, your body burns fat very efficiently. In addition, it turns the fat into ketones in your liver. Ketones can give your brain energy.

Many keto dieters practice intermittent fasting to enter ketosis faster. Usually, this means eating only 8 hours each day and fasting for the other 16.

Sauna and keto- how do they work together?

If you’re a wellness junkie, you’re probably well aware of both saunas and the keto diet. Are they the perfect match, or sworn enemies?

Saunas and keto can both be part of your health and wellness routine. Both saunas and keto help with weight loss, skin health, and diabetes management. You have to be careful to be extra hydrated while using the sauna when on a keto diet because keto is a diuretic diet.

Thermal therapy improves the quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Keto also helps manage diabetes.

Likewise, keto diets are proven to help with weight loss. You can similarly use a sauna to lose weight.

Keto diets help with skin health because they lower inflammation and decrease oxidative stress.

Is heat good for keto?

Saunas are hot. So how does this pair with keto?

Heat is not good for keto because you are more likely to be dehydrated while on a keto diet. This is because the keto diet has a diuretic effect. 

It’s vital to hydrate – particularly by drinking something high in electrolytes – before and after using the sauna to avoid dehydration or heat stroke.

Is steam good for keto?

Okay, if heat isn’t ideal for keto, what about steam?

Steam helps boost keto’s positive effects on your skin. Steam is good for your skin because it opens up your pores. Keto is good for your skin because it lowers inflammation and oxidative stress. When paired together, steam and the keto diet can do wonders for your skin.

Pairing steam and keto diets are a perfect team to boost your skin health!

Which type of sauna is best for keto?

Now the question remains – if you’re going to pair the sauna with keto, what’s your best option?

The steam room is best for keto. There are two reasons for this: it has the lowest temperature out of all of the saunas (about 110-120°F) so you have the lowest risk of dehydration and heatstroke. Steam rooms are also great for skin, enhancing keto’s positive effects on your skin.

Saunas are proven to help improve your skin, while keto helps rejuvenate your skin as well. Steam helps with:

  • Blackhead removal
  • Prep for products
  • Hydration
  • Releasing acne bacteria
  • Plumping your skin

Likewise, as keto is a diuretic diet, it’s important to use the sauna at low temperatures. All of these things combined make steam rooms your best option.

How to use the traditional dry sauna for keto

If you’re set on using the traditional dry sauna, here are some precautions to take.

Because you are more likely to be dehydrated and at risk of heatstroke while on the keto diet, you should use the traditional dry sauna at the lowest temperature and for five minutes at a time and slowly increase from there. Be sure to drink lots of water and electrolytes before and after. Don’t use the sauna during your fasting period.

Using traditional saunas three times a week will help increase your metabolism, increase blood circulation, and lower cortisol levels.

To get the most benefits, 15 minutes in the traditional dry sauna with a temperature of at least 150°F is ideal. It’s dangerous to stay in for 20 minutes or longer. 

Because keto diets are diuretic, you must stay extra hydrated as you slowly work up towards that goal. And you need to be fully fueled before and after the sauna, so you shouldn’t use it while fasting.

How to use an infrared sauna for keto

If infrared is your preference, here are some best practices.

Because you are more likely to be dehydrated and at risk of heatstroke while on the keto diet, you should use the infrared sauna at the lowest temperature and for five minutes at a time and slowly increase from there. Be sure to drink lots of water and electrolytes before and after. Don’t use the sauna during your fasting period.

Using the infrared sauna three times a week can give benefits such as better blood circulation, increased metabolism, and stress reduction.

To get the most benefits, 20 minutes inside a 120°F infrared sauna is your best bet. You want to start at 5 minutes, and then slowly increase to 30 minutes. Stay in no longer than 45 minutes. 

You need to stay incredibly hydrated as you increase your session lengths because of the diuretic nature of keto diets. It’s a bad idea to use the sauna while you’re fasting because it’s important to have fuel in your body before and after.

How to use steam rooms for keto

So steam rooms are the best for keto. Now how do you use them?

Because you are more likely to be dehydrated and at risk of heatstroke while on the keto diet, you should use the steam room at the lowest temperature and for five minutes at a time and slowly increase from there. Be sure to drink lots of water and electrolytes before and after. Don’t use the sauna during your fasting period.

The goal is to spend around 15 minutes at 112°F in the steam room. Don’t exceed 20 minutes.

As with any sauna, start with 5 minutes and slowly work your way up from there.

Be sure to stay very hydrated before and after your sauna session, and avoid using the sauna while fasting.