Can You Buy a Sauna With Your HSA? (Is it an Eligible Expense?)

Health Savings Accounts (HSA) offer a flexible way to cover a wide array of medical expenses using pre-tax dollars. Saunas, recognized for their potential health benefits, often come up in discussions about wellness investments. It’s important to understand what your HSA will cover before you decide to buy a sauna.

Eligible expenses with an HSA usually include medically necessary treatments and equipment. To use your HSA to pay for a sauna, it must qualify as a medical expense. Generally, a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a healthcare provider is required to justify the health benefits and necessity of a sauna for treatment or therapy.

When considering a sauna purchase, ensure that you review and comply with the guidelines provided by your HSA. Remember, maintaining documentation, like an LMN, is crucial for verifying that the expense is directly related to medical care and, therefore, eligible for HSA use.

Understanding HSAs and Eligible Expenses

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) offer a way for you to set aside money for healthcare expenses, providing both flexibility and potential tax benefits. Knowing which expenses are eligible and how HSAs differ from Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare spending.

Comparing HSA and FSA

HSAs and FSAs are both designed to save pre-tax dollars for medical expenses, but they have key differences. An HSA is a savings account available to you if you have a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). The funds roll over year to year and can even be invested, growing tax-free.

In contrast, an FSA is owned by your employer, and while it can also provide pre-tax benefits for healthcare expenses, you must generally use the funds by the end of the plan year or risk losing them. As of 2023, HSAs offer higher contribution limits than FSAs.

Eligibility Requirements For HSA

To qualify for an HSA in 2023, you must be enrolled in a HDHP. This means a minimum deductible of $1,400 for self-coverage or $2,800 for family coverage.

Additionally, you cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return, nor can you be enrolled in Medicare. Importantly, the premium for the HDHP can often be paid from your HSA, but other insurance premiums are generally not eligible for payment from HSA funds, except under specific conditions.

What Counts as a Qualified Medical Expense

Qualified medical expenses are those that the IRS determines to be necessary for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease. These can include doctor visits, prescriptions, dental care, and vision care.

Regarding the purchase of a sauna with HSA funds, it’s crucial to have a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a healthcare provider stating that it is necessary to treat a specific medical condition. Without this documentation, a sauna is unlikely to be considered an eligible expense for HSA reimbursement. Here’s a simplified table of commonly eligible expenses:

Eligible HSA ExpensesGenerally Not Eligible
Doctor visitsCosmetic procedures
Dental treatmentsGym memberships
PrescriptionsHealth club dues
Necessary medical equipmentNon-prescription drugs (exceptions apply)

Before using your HSA for any expense, check the latest IRS guidelines or consult with a tax professional to ensure the expense is qualified.

Purchasing a Sauna with Your HSA

When considering a sauna for its health benefits, you may wonder if it’s possible to purchase one using your Health Savings Account (HSA). It largely hinges on the sauna’s intended use for treatment and whether you have a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN).

Saunas as a Medical Expense

Eligibility Explanation
Saunas may qualify as a medical expense. However, for an HSA to cover this purchase, the sauna needs to be considered a treatment for a specific medical condition that you have, rather than for general health and well-being.

Qualifying Conditions

  • Medical condition that can be treated or prevented by using a sauna
  • Sauna purchase advised by a medical professional as part of a treatment plan

The Role of a Letter of Medical Necessity

Obtaining an LMN
An LMN is a mandatory document authored by a medical professional. It should expressly state that the sauna is a recommended form of treatment for your diagnosed condition.

  1. Consult Your Doctor: Discuss the health benefits of sauna use for your condition.
  2. Secure an LMN: Have your healthcare provider write an LMN detailing how the sauna will treat or prevent your condition.

Table: Necessary Components of an LMN

Patient’s NameYour full name as the patient
Medical Professional’s InfoName, title, and contact of the medical professional
Medical ConditionThe specific condition being treated with the sauna
Treatment PlanExplanation on how the sauna will be used for treatment
Duration of TreatmentThe recommended timeframe for sauna use

Always ensure that your HSA provider approves the LMN before proceeding with the purchase to avoid any potential issues with reimbursement.

HSA Contribution Limits and Tax Benefits

When managing your health savings account (HSA), it’s important to be aware of the annual contribution limits set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For the year 2023, if you have a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), you can contribute up to $3,850 for individual coverage and $7,750 for family coverage.

If you’re aged 55 or older, an additional catch-up contribution of $1,000 is permitted, which helps those nearing retirement boost their HSA savings. Contributions to your HSA are tax-deductible, reducing your overall income tax burden.


Coverage Type2023 LimitCatch-Up Contribution (55+)

Tax Benefits

  • Pre-tax contributions lower your taxable income.
  • Funds grow tax-free.
  • Withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are also tax-free.

Be mindful that these contributions are cumulative, so if you make contributions through an employer and also directly, the combined total should not exceed the limits. If you’re married, your spouse can also contribute to their own HSA, potentially doubling your family’s HSA savings.

Institutions like Fidelity and HSA Bank are equipped to handle your HSA needs and can provide additional guidance on maximizing these tax benefits.

Remember, staying within these guidelines will help secure your financial footing while catering to your healthcare needs now and into the future.

Maximizing Your HSA Through Investments

When considering your health savings account (HSA) as an investment vehicle, think of it as a retirement account with the bonus of medical expense coverage. Begin by selecting an HSA Administrator with a robust platform offering a range of investment options compatible with your market experience.

Investment OptionsDescription
Mutual FundsDiversify with funds aligned to your risk tolerance
StocksFor a hands-on approach with potential higher gains
BondsLower risk for steady, albeit more modest returns

Keep in mind, the goal is to invest beyond immediate medical needs to accumulate savings for future health costs or post-retirement expenses. Unlike a 401(k), your HSA contributions are tax-deductible, the growth is tax-free, and withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are also tax-free. This triple tax advantage makes HSAs a powerful tool for saving.

For a tailored approach, utilize an investment calculator to estimate your potential earnings based on contribution levels and investment strategies. Site your investments within your overall financial landscape, ensuring that your HSA complements other retirement savings. Make adjustments based on life changes, healthcare needs, and shifts in financial goals.

By carefully selecting investment options and strategically planning contributions, your HSA can serve as a dual-purpose fund, underpinning both your healthcare security and your financial well-being.

Additional Eligible Products and Services

When managing your healthcare expenses, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) offer flexibility. Your HSA can cover more than just the obvious medical treatments; it includes a range of health-related services and products. Here’s what you can use your HSA for:

  • Physical Therapy: If you have a prescription, your HSA funds can help you pay for necessary physical therapy.
  • Dental Cleanings: Regular preventive dental care, like cleanings, are eligible for HSA expenditure.
  • Vision: Use your HSA for eye exams, prescription glasses, and contact lenses.
  • Hearing Aids: These vital devices can be expensive, but your HSA can offset the cost.
Eligible Service or ProductHSA Use
Prescription Medications✅
Doctors’ Visits✅
Physical Health✅
Over-the-Counter Medications✅
Allergy Medication✅

Before purchasing with HSA funds, remember to check for eligibility to ensure compliance. Your HSA is a powerful tool for maintaining your health, giving you the power to invest in your wellbeing.