Editorial Process

At Sauna Helper, we employ a comprehensive editorial process to ensure that we provide the most accurate and trustworthy information possible based on original research, studies, and industry guidance.

Our content goals are simple, we want to:

  1. Earn the trust of our readers
  2. Commit to a high standard of journalism and writing
  3. Continuously monitor and update our content

Earning the trust of our readers

Trust is difficult and time-consuming to build and can be lost in an instant.

At Sauna Helper, our goal is to answer reader questions and explain topics as accurately and comprehensively as possible so that we become a reliable source of information about using, building, buying, and learning more about saunas.

As such, we take every precaution to avoid making exaggerative, false, or untrue claims in any of our content. To reduce the risk of false information, we only cite reputable sources and back up any facts or figures we present in our articles.

Committing to a high standard of journalism and writing

Any article published on Sauna Helper goes through a rigorous journalistic process to ensure that any news, informational, or educational content is fair and balanced, accurate, timely, comprehensive, and backed by research.

Here is our process:

  1. All article topics and questions are identified and prioritized by the editorial team to provide maximum value to the reader
  2. Each article is outlined to provide the most comprehensive answer to the question or explanation of the topic at hand
  3. All writers are thoroughly trained and follow strict guidelines for proper formatting, readability, sourcing of information and citation of those sources within the article along with regular feedback and coaching
  4. Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial team for accuracy, cited sources are checked for authenticity, and the article is compared against existing resources to ensure that it is more useful to the reader
  5. Any products or brands mentioned in the content are vetted for quality and relevance
  6. Editor-in-chief conducts the third check of all content and formatting before scheduling the post to publish

Continuously monitor and update our content

While we seek to provide the best answer or explanation at the time of writing each individual article, we embrace the continuous process of research and learning within the sauna community.

As such, we periodically check to ensure that all content remains relevant, useful, and accurate for our readers.

Each article will include a ‘published on’ date which indicates the original time of publication. Whenever existing content has been modified, the ‘last modified date’ will be updated to reflect changes made to the article. In some cases, special mention might be made within the content about specific facts or figures that have been added or updated.